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Edition Altipresse  |  SKU : 101OTA



Manuela reduced airspeed, extended flaps and put the Piper Navajo in descent. 9,000 feet... 8,000 feet, we still couldn't see anything. Then suddenly, lights came on in the night: the beaconing of a runway... ...in the middle of the Amazon rainforest. An airstrip that came out of the night like the lights of a ghost ship! Probably a simple corridor of rain-soaked earth where the plane's wheels were in danger of crashing. Would it manage to land in the middle of a tornado, while the sky, swollen with monstrous thunderstorms, was streaked with lightning? The young woman had a strange feeling. She was afraid, and yet there was something exciting about it. The prospect of landing on this clandestine ground almost made her forget her condition as a hostage... - Be very careful what you do," whispered the man behind her, putting the barrel of his gun against her neck. "When her plane crashed in Peru in a region infested with cocaine traffickers, Manuela Caceres didn't imagine for a second that her nightmare was just beginning. Her passenger has discovered the location of a fabulous Inca treasure and the young pilot falls into the hands of a drug lord...

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Altipresse Edition



Manuela reduced airspeed, extended flaps and put the Piper Navajo in descent. 9,000 feet... 8,000 feet, we still couldn't see anything. Then suddenly, lights came on in the night: the beaconing of a runway... ...in the middle of the Amazon rainforest. An airstrip that came out of the night like the lights of a ghost ship! Probably a simple corridor of rain-soaked earth where the plane's wheels were in danger of crashing. Would it manage to land in the middle of a tornado, while the sky, swollen with monstrous thunderstorms, was streaked with lightning? The young woman had a strange feeling. She was afraid, and yet there was something exciting about it. The prospect of landing on this clandestine ground almost made her forget her condition as a hostage... - Be very careful what you do," whispered the man behind her, putting the barrel of his gun against her neck. "When her plane crashed in Peru in a region infested with cocaine traffickers, Manuela Caceres didn't imagine for a second that her nightmare was just beginning. Her passenger has discovered the location of a fabulous Inca treasure and the young pilot falls into the hands of a drug lord...

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