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Editions Cépadues  |  SKU: 1670



This book has been produced to accompany the pilot of a multi-axis in the practical learning of piloting. It provides a support tool to get the most out of each instruction session, by allowing a better understanding, memorization and analysis of its progression. The attention of the reader who already holds an airplane pilot's license is specifically drawn to the differences he will encounter when flying a multi-axis ultralight. Instructors can use the book with their students during the preparation of sessions or debriefings. The licensed pilot will find a good summary of the fundamentals useful before flying again at the beginning of the season .

The breakdown is adapted to the pedagogical progression of learning to fly, from simple to the most advanced, by understanding emergency situations and analysing the main errors to be avoided.

As in the two previous books in the same series, "Piloting a gyroplane" and "Piloting a tilting train", the chapters cover the entire learning process for the practice of multi-axis piloting, combining a good level of detail, a solid architecture to facilitate anchoring and practical elements of synthesis. Safety is a permanent concern and integrates the benefit of practices from other disciplines such as gliding or mountain flying.

The numerous illustrations enrich the explanation of the practices.

Chapter 1: Discovering Multiaxis
Chapter 2: Before the flight
Chapter 3: In-flight manoeuvres
Chapter 4: Take-off
Chapter 5: Landing

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piloter un multiaxe
Editions Cépadues



This book has been produced to accompany the pilot of a multi-axis in the practical learning of piloting. It provides a support tool to get the most out of each instruction session, by allowing a better understanding, memorization and analysis of its progression. The attention of the reader who already holds an airplane pilot's license is specifically drawn to the differences he will encounter when flying a multi-axis ultralight. Instructors can use the book with their students during the preparation of sessions or debriefings. The licensed pilot will find a good summary of the fundamentals useful before flying again at the beginning of the season .

The breakdown is adapted to the pedagogical progression of learning to fly, from simple to the most advanced, by understanding emergency situations and analysing the main errors to be avoided.

As in the two previous books in the same series, "Piloting a gyroplane" and "Piloting a tilting train", the chapters cover the entire learning process for the practice of multi-axis piloting, combining a good level of detail, a solid architecture to facilitate anchoring and practical elements of synthesis. Safety is a permanent concern and integrates the benefit of practices from other disciplines such as gliding or mountain flying.

The numerous illustrations enrich the explanation of the practices.

Chapter 1: Discovering Multiaxis
Chapter 2: Before the flight
Chapter 3: In-flight manoeuvres
Chapter 4: Take-off
Chapter 5: Landing
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