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Editions Cépadues  |  SKU: 1878



For a professional, ensuring the success of a project means choosing the right drone among dozens of possible types of machines, the drone that will allow you to carry it out. Only one machine will have to stand out from the crowd, answering the many questions you need to ask yourself:
What are the different types of drones and their uses?
Is it better to build your own drone or to buy one ready to fly?
What are the elements of the drone that will allow you to make the right choice?
How to choose your batteries?
What are the criteria for choosing an autopilot?

A UAV is only an airborne vector carrying the payload and perfecting this symbiosis between the project and the machine, also imposes its share of questions to be solved such as: How to design its payload?
What are the impacts of the payload on the choice of the UAV and on the flight path?

Finally, the place of operation also has its constraints:
What are the precautions to be taken to operate in the field?
What organisation should be adopted?
How should the radio link be sized to avoid a communication breakdown?
What are the choices to be made among the different launch and recovery systems?

This book will accompany you in order to bring your answer, and to know how to organize yourself to implement it.


Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Choosing the right UAV, the key to your success
1.1. Fixed wing or tournante ?
1.1.1. The take-off and landing place
1.1.2. The type of flight
1.1.3. The payload
1.2. In kit form or " prêt to voler " ?

Chapter 2: The choice of custom-made - do-it-yourself UAVs
2.1. Specificities for the choice of a fixed wing
2.1.1. The fuselage
2.1.2. The wings
2.1.3. The stabilizer
2.1.4. The landing gear
2.1.5. Power train
2.1.6. Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) and others
2.2. Specificities of a rotating wing
2.2.1. The choice of the chassis
2.2.2. The choice of the motorization
2.3. Autopilots
2.3.1. Hardware criteria
2.3.2. Firmware criteria
2.3.3. Ground station criteria
2.3.4. But also
2.3.5. Firmware and hardware : Open source or pas ?
2.3.6. First steps on Ardupilot
2.4. Cables and connectors
2.4.1. Signal connections
2.4.2. Power connections
2.5. GPS
2.6. Servomotors
2.7. Batteries
2.8. Safety systems
2.9. Ground - UAV links
2.10. Designing its payload
2.10.1. Design
2.10.2. Assembly
2.10.3. Integration
2.11. 3D impressions

Chapter 3: Operating in the field
3.1. Regulations
3.2. Tools and common equipment
3.3. Getting organized on site
3.3.1. Pre-visit the field of operation
3.3.2. Maintenance
3.3.3. Essential checks before flying
3.3.4. Launch systems
3.3.5. UAV recovery systems

Chapter 4: Civilian users from all walks of life
4.1. Audiovisual
4.2. Building and construction
4.3. Scientific research
4.4. Precision agriculture
4.5. Surveillance and security


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drones - le guide des bonnes pratiques pour choisir, concevoir et opérer
Editions Cépadues



For a professional, ensuring the success of a project means choosing the right drone among dozens of possible types of machines, the drone that will allow you to carry it out. Only one machine will have to stand out from the crowd, answering the many questions you need to ask yourself:
What are the different types of drones and their uses?
Is it better to build your own drone or to buy one ready to fly?
What are the elements of the drone that will allow you to make the right choice?
How to choose your batteries?
What are the criteria for choosing an autopilot?

A UAV is only an airborne vector carrying the payload and perfecting this symbiosis between the project and the machine, also imposes its share of questions to be solved such as: How to design its payload?
What are the impacts of the payload on the choice of the UAV and on the flight path?

Finally, the place of operation also has its constraints:
What are the precautions to be taken to operate in the field?
What organisation should be adopted?
How should the radio link be sized to avoid a communication breakdown?
What are the choices to be made among the different launch and recovery systems?

This book will accompany you in order to bring your answer, and to know how to organize yourself to implement it.


Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Choosing the right UAV, the key to your success
1.1. Fixed wing or tournante ?
1.1.1. The take-off and landing place
1.1.2. The type of flight
1.1.3. The payload
1.2. In kit form or " prêt to voler " ?

Chapter 2: The choice of custom-made - do-it-yourself UAVs
2.1. Specificities for the choice of a fixed wing
2.1.1. The fuselage
2.1.2. The wings
2.1.3. The stabilizer
2.1.4. The landing gear
2.1.5. Power train
2.1.6. Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) and others
2.2. Specificities of a rotating wing
2.2.1. The choice of the chassis
2.2.2. The choice of the motorization
2.3. Autopilots
2.3.1. Hardware criteria
2.3.2. Firmware criteria
2.3.3. Ground station criteria
2.3.4. But also
2.3.5. Firmware and hardware : Open source or pas ?
2.3.6. First steps on Ardupilot
2.4. Cables and connectors
2.4.1. Signal connections
2.4.2. Power connections
2.5. GPS
2.6. Servomotors
2.7. Batteries
2.8. Safety systems
2.9. Ground - UAV links
2.10. Designing its payload
2.10.1. Design
2.10.2. Assembly
2.10.3. Integration
2.11. 3D impressions

Chapter 3: Operating in the field
3.1. Regulations
3.2. Tools and common equipment
3.3. Getting organized on site
3.3.1. Pre-visit the field of operation
3.3.2. Maintenance
3.3.3. Essential checks before flying
3.3.4. Launch systems
3.3.5. UAV recovery systems

Chapter 4: Civilian users from all walks of life
4.1. Audiovisual
4.2. Building and construction
4.3. Scientific research
4.4. Precision agriculture
4.5. Surveillance and security


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