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Edition Altipresse  |  SKU: 101ER6



PILOT ERRORS - TOME 6 The objective of the Pilot Errors series is not to "do in sensationalism" as some have claimed after the publication of volume 5 which revealed the recordings of the Rio-Paris flight. There is no voyeurism in studying the human factors at the origin of a disaster. It is above all a question of conveying information about what really happened during a crash. In his search for the truth, Jean-Pierre Otelli is now publishing volume 6 of the series. In it, we discover sailors discussing their pay rises, their dogs, gardening, and even their marital problems. Totally distracted, they forget the main one: flying the plane in the critical phases. Nowadays, the cockpit of an airplane is described as "sterile": personal conversations are no longer allowed outside of the cruise. - Air Florida 90... Before takeoff, the crew jokes at length with two stewardesses. The subject of the conversation has nothing to do with procedures and the captain forgets to connect an essential de-icing system. - Colgan Air 3407... The captain and co-pilot talk about their personal problems. After the accident, the American investigation report publishes all the conversations. - TAM 3054... The pilot misplaced the reverse operating procedure. The Airbus hits a building. - Adam Air 574... For long minutes, the pilots are distracted by a false indication on a screen: they forget to fly the plane... - and so on and so forth.

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erreurs de pilotage - tome 6
Altipresse Edition



PILOT ERRORS - TOME 6 The objective of the Pilot Errors series is not to "do in sensationalism" as some have claimed after the publication of volume 5 which revealed the recordings of the Rio-Paris flight. There is no voyeurism in studying the human factors at the origin of a disaster. It is above all a question of conveying information about what really happened during a crash. In his search for the truth, Jean-Pierre Otelli is now publishing volume 6 of the series. In it, we discover sailors discussing their pay rises, their dogs, gardening, and even their marital problems. Totally distracted, they forget the main one: flying the plane in the critical phases. Nowadays, the cockpit of an airplane is described as "sterile": personal conversations are no longer allowed outside of the cruise. - Air Florida 90... Before takeoff, the crew jokes at length with two stewardesses. The subject of the conversation has nothing to do with procedures and the captain forgets to connect an essential de-icing system. - Colgan Air 3407... The captain and co-pilot talk about their personal problems. After the accident, the American investigation report publishes all the conversations. - TAM 3054... The pilot misplaced the reverse operating procedure. The Airbus hits a building. - Adam Air 574... For long minutes, the pilots are distracted by a false indication on a screen: they forget to fly the plane... - and so on and so forth.

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