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Editions Cépadues  |  SKU: 1618



Discover gliding, what a great idea! The choice is not necessarily that of simplicity, because a glider "excursion" is much more dependent on the weather conditions than a "first flight" on board a motorized machine ... The environment of the glider is also quite specific compared to the light aircraft or microlight. Even if the rules of the air are the same for everyone, and that various constraints apply to all forms of recreational aviation, the gliding movement is a world apart, totally inscribed in the concept of sustainable development, "green" flight, ecological par excellence, the practice of gliding requires only the know-how of its pilot for the exploitation of energy resources contained in the atmosphere. And the glider is not just a plane without an engine. On the contrary, it is one of the most sophisticated aircraft available, benefiting from advanced research in terms of aerodynamics, a pioneer in the construction of composite materials, equipped with sophisticated avionics. A glider is a Formula 1 from the sky! The initiation flight in a glider is therefore certainly part of a process of curiosity. It will provide the lucky passenger with unforgettable sensations and memories... This book allows the passenger to enjoy the wonderful flight he will experience. Afterwards, it will serve as a support to analyze his memories, relive them, and give him the desire, who knows? to start the experience again.

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le vol d'initiation en planeur
Editions Cépadues



Discover gliding, what a great idea! The choice is not necessarily that of simplicity, because a glider "excursion" is much more dependent on the weather conditions than a "first flight" on board a motorized machine ... The environment of the glider is also quite specific compared to the light aircraft or microlight. Even if the rules of the air are the same for everyone, and that various constraints apply to all forms of recreational aviation, the gliding movement is a world apart, totally inscribed in the concept of sustainable development, "green" flight, ecological par excellence, the practice of gliding requires only the know-how of its pilot for the exploitation of energy resources contained in the atmosphere. And the glider is not just a plane without an engine. On the contrary, it is one of the most sophisticated aircraft available, benefiting from advanced research in terms of aerodynamics, a pioneer in the construction of composite materials, equipped with sophisticated avionics. A glider is a Formula 1 from the sky! The initiation flight in a glider is therefore certainly part of a process of curiosity. It will provide the lucky passenger with unforgettable sensations and memories... This book allows the passenger to enjoy the wonderful flight he will experience. Afterwards, it will serve as a support to analyze his memories, relive them, and give him the desire, who knows? to start the experience again.

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