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Editions Cépadues  |  SKU: 1737



Progressive, pedagogical, guaranteeing successful learning because it is effective and rewarding, this manual presents you with the essential theoretical, technical and practical data, knowledge and know-how required.
Very widely illustrated, it allows a concrete and attractive approach as well as easy reading.
Its original organisation in the form of a standard progression facilitates the acquisition of all pedagogical information.
It was in 1983, at the initiative of the DGAC and the FFPLUM that a working group consisting of Régis Le Maitre, Philippe Mermoux and Charles Teil, carried out this project, assisted by Gilbert Klopfstein, Christian Briand, Alain Dreyer, Jean-Maurice Bourgueil, Pierre Michaux, Philippe Tisserand and by Pierre-André Cousin for the humorous illustration.
The Centre National de Vol à Voile de Saint-Auban had also made a valuable contribution.
Today, it is Régis Le Maitre who, with the help of author-instructors, ensures the updating of this course material, and who is the guarantor of the respect of the ULM spirit.

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manuel du pilote ulm 14è édition
Editions Cépadues



Progressive, pedagogical, guaranteeing successful learning because it is effective and rewarding, this manual presents you with the essential theoretical, technical and practical data, knowledge and know-how required.
Very widely illustrated, it allows a concrete and attractive approach as well as easy reading.
Its original organisation in the form of a standard progression facilitates the acquisition of all pedagogical information.
It was in 1983, at the initiative of the DGAC and the FFPLUM that a working group consisting of Régis Le Maitre, Philippe Mermoux and Charles Teil, carried out this project, assisted by Gilbert Klopfstein, Christian Briand, Alain Dreyer, Jean-Maurice Bourgueil, Pierre Michaux, Philippe Tisserand and by Pierre-André Cousin for the humorous illustration.
The Centre National de Vol à Voile de Saint-Auban had also made a valuable contribution.
Today, it is Régis Le Maitre who, with the help of author-instructors, ensures the updating of this course material, and who is the guarantor of the respect of the ULM spirit.

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