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Editions Cépadues  |  SKU: 1711

Student Pilots. Enhance flight learning through mental rehearsal technique


In order to perform, elite athletes practice a training technique based on mental imagery. An athlete who imagines himself doing a movement activates the same cerebral zones as those related to the muscular control of this action. Mental repetition of gestures and movements not only allows for a faster anchoring of automatisms, but it is also possible to improve them.
To be effective and give results, mental repetition is a technique based on a method. It is therefore not about vague thoughts or daydreams.
In this book, the mental repetition technique is applied in a concrete way to learning to fly. Basic piloting is approached in the form of sequences and technical gestures that can be visualized, mentally repeated and improved if necessary.
As a fighter pilot and facilitator of Potential Optimization Techniques (TOP) in a military aeronautical training school, I was able to observe the many benefits provided. This learning reinforcement technique is suitable for all student pilots, future professionals as well as amateurs.
If you wish to improve your flight learning somewhat, I invite you to discover and use the mental rehearsal method.




Chapter I: Mechanization of gestures and mental imagery

Chapter II: Mental Rehearsal Technique

Chapter III: Repetition of driving sequences

Chapter IV: Visualization and Mental Pre-Activation

Table of Contents

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élèves pilotes. améliorez l'apprentissage du vol par la technique de répétition mentale
Editions Cépadues

Student Pilots. Enhance flight learning through mental rehearsal technique


In order to perform, elite athletes practice a training technique based on mental imagery. An athlete who imagines himself doing a movement activates the same cerebral zones as those related to the muscular control of this action. Mental repetition of gestures and movements not only allows for a faster anchoring of automatisms, but it is also possible to improve them.
To be effective and give results, mental repetition is a technique based on a method. It is therefore not about vague thoughts or daydreams.
In this book, the mental repetition technique is applied in a concrete way to learning to fly. Basic piloting is approached in the form of sequences and technical gestures that can be visualized, mentally repeated and improved if necessary.
As a fighter pilot and facilitator of Potential Optimization Techniques (TOP) in a military aeronautical training school, I was able to observe the many benefits provided. This learning reinforcement technique is suitable for all student pilots, future professionals as well as amateurs.
If you wish to improve your flight learning somewhat, I invite you to discover and use the mental rehearsal method.




Chapter I: Mechanization of gestures and mental imagery

Chapter II: Mental Rehearsal Technique

Chapter III: Repetition of driving sequences

Chapter IV: Visualization and Mental Pre-Activation

Table of Contents

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