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Editions Cépadues  |  SKU : 2083

PPL(A) or LAPL(A) questions related to the Pilot's Manual Aeroplane - EASA Compliant


THIS WORKSHOP includes nearly eight hundred multiple-choice questions and prepares for the programme of the theoretical examination of the private pilot aircraft according to European directives.

Its originality consists of:

  • To provide a commented answer to each question, with the pedagogical aim of offering the reader an intelligent and constructive review.
  • Perform a bypass with figures and keywords from the Aircraft Manual

The questions are first classified according to the Phases of the Aircraft Manual:

Phase 1: Knowledge of the aircraft

Phase 2: Basic piloting

Phase 3: Aerodromes, radiotelephony and air traffic

Phase 4: Navigation

Phase 5: Meteorology

Phase 6: Advanced piloting

Phase 7: Flight preparation and management

Phase 8: The institutional framework

Phase 9: European licences

Phase 10: Human performance and its limits

The questions are then classified according to the list of nine topics provided for in the official theoretical programme :

Air Law and ATC Procedures

Human Performance



Principles of Flight: Aircraft

Operational Procedures

Flight planning and flight following

General Aircraft Knowledge


Warning: this book is above all a teaching tool to measure your progress and cannot correspond point by point to the course of your future exam.

Phase 1 - Knowledge of the aircraft
Description of the aircraft
How does the aircraft fly?
Stall and high lift
Control surfaces
Flight instruments
Electrical system
Powerplant system
Engine operation

Phase 2 - Basic piloting
Aircraft handling - taxiing - engine shutdown
Trim tabs and side effects
Take-off - final approach and landing

Phase 3 - Aerodromes, radiotelephony and air traffic

Aerodrome charts
Air traffic
Temporary aeronautical information

Phase 4 - Navigation

How to navigate?
Radio navigation aids
GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System): VFR use in general aviation
Radio landing aids: ILS

Phase 5 - Meteorology
Meteorology - The Standard Atmosphere
Pressure and temperature
Cloud formation
Disturbances - Fronts
Hazardous phenomena for aviation
Local meteorology
Meteorological information
General information on significant weather maps (TEMSI)
The weather dossier

Phase 6 - Advanced piloting
Characteristic first and second regime speeds
Special climbs associated with take-off
Sensitive situations
Special cases of VFR flight
Night flight
IFR trajectories

Phase 7 - Flight Preparation and Management
The aircraft - its balance - its stability
The flight manual - Performance
The flight plan
Fuel carrying rules
The captain - Responsibilities and obligations
Disciplinary regime for civil aviation flight personnel
Activation of the alert service

Phase 8 - The institutional framework

Phase 9 - European licences

Phase 10 - Human performance and its limits
Human factors and flight safety
Basics of aeronautical physiology
Vigilance, sleep, fatigue, stress
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Human reliability and human errors


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Les questions PPL(A) ou LAPL(A) en lien avec le Manuel du pilote Avion - conforme AESA - LA BOUTIQUE DU PILOTE
Editions Cépadues

PPL(A) or LAPL(A) questions related to the Pilot's Manual Aeroplane - EASA Compliant


THIS WORKSHOP includes nearly eight hundred multiple-choice questions and prepares for the programme of the theoretical examination of the private pilot aircraft according to European directives.

Its originality consists of:

The questions are first classified according to the Phases of the Aircraft Manual:

Phase 1: Knowledge of the aircraft

Phase 2: Basic piloting

Phase 3: Aerodromes, radiotelephony and air traffic

Phase 4: Navigation

Phase 5: Meteorology

Phase 6: Advanced piloting

Phase 7: Flight preparation and management

Phase 8: The institutional framework

Phase 9: European licences

Phase 10: Human performance and its limits

The questions are then classified according to the list of nine topics provided for in the official theoretical programme :

Air Law and ATC Procedures

Human Performance



Principles of Flight: Aircraft

Operational Procedures

Flight planning and flight following

General Aircraft Knowledge


Warning: this book is above all a teaching tool to measure your progress and cannot correspond point by point to the course of your future exam.

Phase 1 - Knowledge of the aircraft
Description of the aircraft
How does the aircraft fly?
Stall and high lift
Control surfaces
Flight instruments
Electrical system
Powerplant system
Engine operation

Phase 2 - Basic piloting
Aircraft handling - taxiing - engine shutdown
Trim tabs and side effects
Take-off - final approach and landing

Phase 3 - Aerodromes, radiotelephony and air traffic

Aerodrome charts
Air traffic
Temporary aeronautical information

Phase 4 - Navigation

How to navigate?
Radio navigation aids
GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System): VFR use in general aviation
Radio landing aids: ILS

Phase 5 - Meteorology
Meteorology - The Standard Atmosphere
Pressure and temperature
Cloud formation
Disturbances - Fronts
Hazardous phenomena for aviation
Local meteorology
Meteorological information
General information on significant weather maps (TEMSI)
The weather dossier

Phase 6 - Advanced piloting
Characteristic first and second regime speeds
Special climbs associated with take-off
Sensitive situations
Special cases of VFR flight
Night flight
IFR trajectories

Phase 7 - Flight Preparation and Management
The aircraft - its balance - its stability
The flight manual - Performance
The flight plan
Fuel carrying rules
The captain - Responsibilities and obligations
Disciplinary regime for civil aviation flight personnel
Activation of the alert service

Phase 8 - The institutional framework

Phase 9 - European licences

Phase 10 - Human performance and its limits
Human factors and flight safety
Basics of aeronautical physiology
Vigilance, sleep, fatigue, stress
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Human reliability and human errors


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